VOICE 1156 Q&A WITH Jay Howell
Interview conducted by Noah Spahn

Voice 1156: Jay, what was your reaction to the two opening nights at Voice1156?
JH: the two opening nights were alot of fun- I got to meet some really great people like nick wilkinson who's work is a total inpiration. plus I came down to san diego for a week so I could swim and eat burritos and fish tacos everyday. downtown has a good night life and everybody wears flip flops all the time. I got real drunk the last night and monica let me and skinner go up on the roof, we hocked some loogies onto the sidewalk and then did a couple of high fives. it was a vey kind trip.

Voice1156: I remember telling you that your style of work was very unlike anything I have dealt with before: I find it to be very confrontational- what are some of the descriptions that have been attributed to your work and how would you describe it?
JH: confrontational? thats a good thing, i'm just putting good vibes out there for people to soak up. if your not laughing your probably in a bad mood or have something on your mind that needs to be worked out- I hope you can get into my mind set and free that stuff up- like smell a babys head or listen to a really great record totally loud and get all emotional like the song was written for you then pretend like you're being filmed for an inpirational part in some movie and look around all confident and realize that you're not alone. life can be so hard. we need to project kindness into the hearts of others. this is very important and this is our mission. I mean I can be a total dick on a negitive trip also you know? but that can be funny too